The Introduction to logistics exposes very briefly: (1) Logistics Definitions, (2) Objective, Sections and Classification, (3) What Makes Logistics Competitive? (4) The System Life Cycle, (5) The Reverse Logistics, (6) The Design of the Logistics Support, (7) The Logistics Life Cycle Cost Iceberg.
The Functional Components of Logistics presented, as well, i.e. (1) the Logistics Enginering (Reliability (R), Maintainability (M), Availability (A), Testability (T), Ergonomics and Safety, System Life Cycle Cost), (2) The Logistics Management (Configuration Management, Quality, Technical Documentation, System Management) and (3) Logistics Support (Technical Support, Supply Support, Procurement).
Emphasis is given into the Hellenic National Logistics Strategy and the NATO Logistics Handbook

I continue with the History of Defence Logistics, presenting (1)  Alexander the Great Logistics, (2) the Evolution of Logistics up to the 19th Century, (3) the Logistics of the German Forces in the WWII? And (4) the Best Practices of General Gus William Pagonis, Chief Logistician in Gulf War.

I close with the  part of the 21st Century Defence Logistics. The topics include: (1)New vs Old Logistics, (2) Defense acquisition & sustainment  Policy objectives (3)  The allocation of the defense budget pie, (4) the  Smart Defence, (5) the Innovative Approaches for Balancing Efficiency & Effectiveness with a complete the description of (1) the Logistics Support, (2) the Integrated Logistics Support, (3) the Integrated Product Support, the Contractor Logistics Support and I close with the Performance Based Logistics.

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